When all else fails, clean out your cupboards


To make an omelette you must first break eggs. Chairman Mao once said in order to see something beautiful, you must first go through pain (or something along those lines). And I’m sure there’s something in the Dao of Pooh. But there is always a moment – when you have taken out the contents of all but one shelf, thrown out all that needs to be thrown out and realised that if only you had two more of those containers with green lids then all that is wronged would be righted – when you look at everything and wonder what made me think that cleaning out this cupboard was a good idea?

And why do I have eight different types of sugar in ten different packets?

0 thoughts on “When all else fails, clean out your cupboards”

  1. Oh I so need to clean out my cupboards and if I wasn’t looking after my niece and nepheew aged 1 and 3 (asleep at the moment) I would… maybe… CB x

  2. Well, I’ve just finished reading We Need to Talk About Kevin and I’m feeling so shattered I think I’ll go and count my sugar. Thanks for the tip.

  3. Well, I’ve just finished reading We Need to Talk About Kevin and I’m feeling so shattered I think I’ll go and count my sugar. Thanks for the tip.

  4. it took me an embarassingly long time to get that!

    How many sugars in your cupboard, PC? Or perhaps you collect pulses and legumes? I think there are many options.

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