When I was eleven (or possibly eight, it feels like those were the years when I was at my most unbearable), I told my mother we would no longer celebrate Mother’s Day as it was a commercial conspiracy and isn’t that why we didn’t have a dishwasher and wasn’t that the reason she wouldn’t convince my father to join Rotary so that she could be a Rotary-ann. As you can see, I had a broad but unsophisticated understanding of my mother’s politics.
In hindsight, that was a short-sighted decision on my part.
And in hindsight, I can see my mother’s inward grin.
So, Happy Mother’s Day Mum. I’ll think of you while I’m not unwrapping my new dressing gown.
My parents told us never to celebrate mother’s or father’s day for the same reason.
I will not be following their example. I want presents damnit…
Was I supposed to get a dressing gown??
one year i gave my mother a copy of The Womens Room for Mothers’ Day. Cruel, in retrospect.