Should you ever find yourself with an inconsolable four year old, and his five year old brother who is not helping the situation one tiny bit, feel free to make use of this joke which I made up about half an hour ago (which doesn’t mean no one else has ever thought of it, just that I have never heard it if they did). Anyhoo, in the aforementioned situation of inconsolable-ness, it is sure to do the trick.
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Pop who?
Pop off
Is there anything more rewarding than walking down the passage being followed by the belly laughs of two bouncing boys who really should be asleep by now?
Heh, my boy will roar at that too. Thanks! My favorite small child joke is the classic:
What’s brown and sticky?
A stick.
It *never* fails.
Maybe walking back down the passage when they’re both asleep?
Or talking about passages in a pop-off post?
Ooh, That’s a keeper.
I’m writing that one down.
Thank you. I am mentally filing that one away.
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Boo who?
No need to cry, it’s only a joke.
(It either snaps ’em straight out of it, or makes it worse. Trial and error I’m afraid).