Probably at around the time, Ampersand Duck was enjoying sushi, I had a plastic bag around my hand, retreiving the sock which had fallen into the toilet bowl. I had to do this after the poo had been done, but before the paper had been used. Other things about this incident you might be interested to know: I was not in my own house.
Tis truly a rock and roll lifestyle.
every minute of every day
interesting to consider ways in which the sock manages to enter the toilet between the poo and the paper, really.
How did that…?
Actually, don’t answer that question.
I can’t answer it, anyway Deborah. The people who can answer it, are working on the age-old principle of silence as the best defence.
[but laughing]
You really should have put this up as a competition. How many ways for a sock to…….?
Oh dear. I can imagine any number of ways for this to occur, but they all would have me arriving on the scene and saying “stop buggering around while you’re doing a poo please”
jahteh – I don’t think I want to know about how many ways there are
you’ve got the picture there, mummy crit…only I didn’t arrive on the scene in time
how much do socks cost, anyway? Or is it a plugging up the sewerage issue? Surely it was a very small sock. Give me a nice composting toilet any day.
Well, we never do arrive in time, do we, so it turns into “why were you buggering around with your socks while you were doing a poo?!?!” I wonder whether I’d’ve gone with Mikhela and flushed it, or with you, and tried to extract it…
if it had been my own house, I would’ve flushed it
just as well it wasn’t your house then… you’d have probably stuffed things up (literally)! and that would have been even more “interesting” than fishing the sock out 😉
I can say from experience, that it’s worse if they try to clean it up themselves.
Trust me.