Its enormity, which I believed I understood, has been settling on me in waves.
Like yesterday, as I sat at the side of the bed of a man I love, a woman I have been smiling at all week but whose name I do not know, stopped and said ‘we’re going home’. Her nod, her smile, her look were small. ‘It’s at that point. There’s nothing more they can do for him’. I don’t speak because there is no need and because this time is hers.
I wonder how much more there is I am yet to understand. And how I ever will.
And then, in bed at seven, because I couldn’t stand or sit or think, my boys snuggled in with me. They brought me a glass of water, did sums together, took turns to pat me, and when the mister got home (delayed by fog) they said ‘shhhh…Mum’s got a thumping head’.
What good boys. Cx
big hug, 3C
I’ll hold you close while you work on it.
Oh. Oh I’m sorry.
I’m sorry tc.
Big fat hug.
Oh hugs xx
I’m sorry, too. What lovely boys. x
Youse are all very lovely.
Thanks. Really.