This is a heath goanna from Kangaroo Island. Although they do scramble up drains in search of rainwater and sniff around eskies and dinner tables in manners you would consider rather forward in another guest, they are not venomous and are kind of cool to have around. Also, it is not unreasonable to see one while you are living in the scrub, and you can be fairly sure that when you return to more settled establishments, they will be leaving you alone.
Unlike snakes!
What a great photo! Looks like it belongs on the pages of a kid’s book about a goanna who drives trucks.
Or a prehistoric-size lizard with a real bulldozer, which is what I initially thought it was.
Back to the optometrist.
Or a prehistoric-size lizard with a real bulldozer, which is what I initially thought it was.
Back to the optometrist.
Who needs Bob The Builder, when you have Gerry The Goanna around?
Hey! We do call this one Gerald. That is, when we are kidding ourselves that we are so in touch with nature we can tell the goannas apart.
‘Fark’ is an excellent label. Can I borrow it? I promise to use it carefully.
‘Fark’ is an excellent label. Can I borrow it? I promise to use it carefully.
Of course you can. I mean, it isn’t really mine anyway. Tho I was very pleased with myself when I thought of using it that way.