
I read this, and then I fell a little bit in love with Gerard Whateley. (actually, I had already fallen in love with him a long time ago, and this just confirmed my feelings for him)

0 thoughts on “Hearts”

  1. I used to think he had the voice of a mosquito but now I’m in love with him too.

    Best line: I should’ve known without needing to ask that a gay man is as capable of separating locker room nudity from a romantic night out as easily as any straight bloke.

  2. I love him too.
    He was great on the misogyny that surfaced around the unfortunate Lara bingle/train wreck.
    If it weren’t for voices like Gerard’s, I’d be tempted to give up my attachment to football.

  3. ‘a gay man is as capable of separating locker room nudity from a romantic night out as easily as any straight bloke.’

    Much more easily, I would have said. Yes, I’ve been surprised at how few people have pointed out publicly that Aker’s attitude stems from that very old-fashioned notion many straight men still have that everyone who fancies men wants to have sex with them personally. It explains a lot about their attitude to women as well.

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