dear dad

Dear Dad

Isn’t it funny that being a Sturt supporter for all those years has stood me in such good stead for following the Power from Port?

Love, Adelaide

PS Pass the message on to my brother too.

0 thoughts on “dear dad”

  1. adelaide, i enjoy your blog

    i’m from adelaide, left 10 years ago for the US and as anyone from adelaide knows, i might have been your neighbour

    however, i am not sure how a sturt supporter ended up liking port power?!?

    i’m sorry, as a former childhood sturt supporter, it’s the crows all the way – we used to make up Bad Rhymes about port

    boo to fox sports world for dropping the friday night aussie rules from cable tv this year

  2. Australian Rules is dead to me. It has been since an Adelaide team (let alone two) joined the best league in the country and turned it into an over-umpired Spam league.

    I’d love to say that as a Sturt supporter who supports the Power that you deserve every miniscule amount of disappointment and heartache owed to you. But I won’t, as it’s enough to be stated in writing.

    P.S. Supporting any AFL team is bad enough, but to support an AFL team from Port Adelaide goes beyond anyone’s standard of acceptable public behaviour. Shame, shame, shame.


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