comfy shoes

comfy shoes
Originally uploaded by adelaide writer

This is one of the most comfortable pairs of shoes I have ever owned. They are now so comfortable that I am almost too scared to wear them. Because doesn’t it always end in worn heels and grooves where your toes no longer want to go.

Goodness, they could do with a polish, couldn’t they? The mister’s shoes never look like that. He keeps his shoes very nice indeed. It’s a family thing.

And couldn’t the lawn do with a mow. We should get a goat.

PS In the very short amount of time since I took that photo (enough time to answer a few emails, boil the kettle, curse the absence of peppermint teas, retrain peppermint-expectant brain to accept green tea, glance out of window), the sun has completely left the back yard.

shit shoes

shit shoes

Originally uploaded by adelaide writer

This is one half of one of the worst pairs of shoes I have ever owned. They are quite uncomfortable because the soles are thin and give no real support. By the end of the day my feet ache. The thin soles also mean that during winter my feet are nearly always cold. As you can see, they are also quite grubby, though that is not the fault of the thin soles.