General advice only, for information suited to your particular circumstances, please see a professional

You know all those discs (three and a quarter or three and a half I never did work that out) you’ve got in the back of the cupboard…the ones marked ‘final thesis – guard with your life’ and ‘backup 2002’…the ones you made when you changed computers…the ones with so many crossings out you’ve got no idea what they actually are…

…chuck them out. I am going to repeat that, because it is good advice which may later save you a frustrating hour – or even two – looking for the one thing you thought to yourself now whatever happened tochuck them out

Just take them all out of the space in the cupboard they are currently wasting and put them in your hard rubbish or whatever it is you should do to responsibily dispose of such things. Don’t worry though about trying to make sure none of your sensitive or important or useful files are there. They are not. At least not in any recoverable form.

Good morning

This morning, my internet connection has been rusty, and I tried all (which turned out to be most) of my usual tricks before calling my ISP’s support number. Does anyone know about this ‘turn everything off, make small talk with worn out support person, switch it all back on and it works again’? Is there any actual science in that?

Also, you know those mornings when you get to nine o’clock and you think ‘goodness me, is that all it is, surely it’s later than that, I’ve been awake for hours’ and ‘what a very strange night that was, how am I going to stay awake all day, and even possibly get some of that enormous pile of work done’? Well, I am having one of those.

And one other thing, I left my vacuum cleaner out on the front verandah all night (after vaccuming my car which was in a right bloody mess I can tell you), and it is still there this morning.