Yes, I do have better things to be doing with my time, I’m just not doing them right now

One of the emails that has arrived, is about the gazillionith reminder that my crikey subscription is about to expire.

I dunno. I think I’ll let it lapse.

I think I started the subscription when that beautiful little magazine that used to do the wrap up of the week’s media (what was that called I can’t for the life of me remember right now, though I’m sure there’d still be one stuffed under the lounge if I could be bothered going to look) folded, and one of the options for the remainder of my subscription was the crikey deal. Then, I think I renewed it, because there was a heap of free stuff offered, including a book which I thought I could give my dad for Christmas (ahem, sorry Dad). But now…I seem only to ever read the letters down the bottom, and sometimes the media section.

But if I don’t get my news from there, where will I get it? But then I think ‘well, I already know so little, could it really matter if I knew a little less?’.

Eight pm

There’s really nothing on television, we’ve got no DVDs (though have you re-watched The Games lately – that one of the 94 metres 100 metres track – that is really, really, really funny) and I’ve got a to-do list filled with urgent and important things…but I really want to make up my jumper tonight. It’s all ready to go, and then I might get a few wears in before next winter.

As they say on facebook: ThirdCat is undecided about how she will use these last precious hours of the day.

PS Not yesterday but the day before a really cool thing happened to me. Can’t tell you what of course, because that would jinx it. But it is bloggingly cool.

PPS If no one comes up with a better name, the dog will have to be called Chips since that’s what one of the children has thought up. It’s an okay name, but you know, when your life is filled with a station wagon, a pedigree dog and bordered by iceberg roses, you’d like a name a tiny bit racier than Chips. The mister likes Brezhnev (he still hasn’t recovered from that walk we did through Lenin’s Tomb, which shows you just how old we are).

PPPS I shouldn’t’ve got my hair cut yesterday. I told her if you cut it too short on top, it will spike and I’ll look like Kim Wilde, but she had no real idea of the seriousness of looking like Kim Wilde. It’s a good haircut, but [insert predictable diatribe about getting too pudgey]…plus, it’s my brother’s wedding on the weekend and there will be photos, and, of course, other people’s wedding photos are all about ME.

Well, that took care of a bit more of that precious time, didn’t it? If you’ll excuse me, I’m off to clear the sink.

Just to keep you up to date with all the important comings and goings in my life

I have written to the ABC asking them to confirm or deny Andrew’s comment (see Friday’s post below if you don’t know what I’m talking about). I did it via their online feedback sheet and it may take up to four weeks for a response.

Sleep well.