On this day…

“On 11 January 2002, the US transferred the first detainees to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Five years later, despite widespread international condemnation, hundreds of people remain there without trial. Join activists worldwide in demanding the closure of Guantanamo, fair trials and justice for all”.

From the amnesty international australia website, where there is more information and a list of things you can do if you – like I – believe that Guantanamo Bay should be closed.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women: White Ribbon Day


Originally uploaded by adelaide writer.

From the Australian White Ribbon Day website

Did you know Australian research has shown that:

  • more than 1 million Australian women have experienced violence during a relationship;
  • 600,000 of these women have said they lived in fear during the relationship;
  • 20% of women who have experienced violence were pregnant when violence first occurred?

Did you know that thousands of men in Australia will wear a White Ribbon on November 25 this year to encourage all men to condemn violence against women?

Did you know that these men will be taking part in an international network of men, working in partnership with women, to end men’s violence against women.?

White Ribbons are worn on November 25 by men in countries and cultures across the world because violence against women is men’s problem. The White Ribbon Campaign is the first mass campaign by men against violence in the world.

Bring David Hicks home

There is a simple letter writing action on the amnesty international australia website that you can do if you want to join the global call to bring David Hicks home to face a fair trial or be released.

It will take about two minutes, depending on how quickly/slowly you type your name.

David Hicks has been in Guantamo Bay for nearly five years. Which is about the time it has taken me to have two children, one of whom can now read.

I’m really winning this one

Things with which children who are being raised in a house where we don’t have guns and we don’t like killing will chase and beat each other:

Agapanthus stalks gathered on the walk back and forth from the bus. Indesctructible, no?

Yoga mat.

Knee-high East African fertility doll. Quite heavy and extremely noisy when it hits the ground.

Rolled up, poster-sized, laminated copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

World Day Against the Death Penalty

So today as you go about your normal business, take a second to remember those who have suffered this ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment that violates the right to life. It is irrevocable and can be inflicted on the innocent and has never been shown to deter crime more effectively than other punishments

More here and things you can do here