Red bowl

The problem with parties is not so much that, for the first time in several months, you must find, then extricate, the red bowl from the back of the corner cupboard in the laundry;

the problem is not that said red bowl reminds you of all that you no longer are and becomes the straw that breaks the camel’s back which becomes a flood of two pm tears;

indeed, as the night goes on and your glass is not only half-full, but re-fullable, this reminder becomes one of the joys of parties;

and the problem is not even that the red bowl must be washed after sitting overnight with a particularly sticky dip stuck to it.


The problem with parties is, that once found, extricated, cried over, used, laughed over, washed and dried, the red bowl must be put away. In the back of the corner cupboard in the laundry.

House arrest

Aung San Suu Kyi’s period of house arrest has just been extended.

“Aung San Suu Kyi will have spent more than eleven and a half of the last eighteen years arbitrarily detained under house arrest. For much of the remaining time her movement has been heavily restricted by the authorities. She has never been charged or tried with any offence” (from the AIA website).

On June 19, she will be 62. Over here they are suggesting that you send her a birthday card, and they’ve included her address.

Sometimes, letter writing does feel like an aneamic effort. You know, in comparison. And I imagine her mail is intercepted. But then I remember all the people who say they’ve drawn a lot of support from receiving letters and messages of support.

I don’t think I’m being cyber-hoaxed or cyber-hoaxing you when I write this. I’ve had a few emails about it as well as seeing it all over the web. But do let me know if you think I’m being naive.