
Dear interwebs

Am I supposed to be feeding the dog bones or not? He seems to enjoy the rather large bone purchased on his behalf, but I have heard that perhaps it is not a good idea to give them to him.

Thanking you in advance for your helpful and elightening response,


0 thoughts on “anyone?”

  1. It’s a vexed topic, as even vets seem to disagree?
    I think if he can tolerate them, it’s all good.
    Good for their teeth and health, and they love it.

    You’re pretty safe with large marrow bones.
    My dog could handle nothing smaller, he’d have a bad 36 hours, then …….spew. /enlightening response.
    (and that’s a better scenario than $urgery)

    Other dogs I know can chomp anything.

  2. There are those who argue that dogs in the wild eat whole carcasses so domestic dogs need bones. They are meant to be good for their teeth. And happiness. Ham bones aren’t a good idea, as we once discovered, but lots of dog owners swear by lamb shanks. Or raw chicken wings.

  3. Raw bones only.
    Small harmless ones like chicken wings are recommended by vets – the dogs eat the lot.
    Large lamb shanks etc are pretty safe too.

    Cooked bones can splinter and choke the dog.
    and some dogs obsess over chewing on big bones til their mouth bleeds…but for normal dogs, any raw bones are ok I think.

  4. Our vet has told us raw chicken wings. We tried some raw lamb bones, but one dog vomitted- plus he kept trying to sneak the horrible thing into the house!

  5. Too many bones, in my experience, gives them constipation! About three a week seemed to be right – big bones like lamb shanks, but then they were big dogs. Chicken wings didn’t count, they were like rice crackers for our dogs.

  6. We had a german shepherd and every week we’d buy a beef shin bone from the butcher and have him cut it in half lengthways. The dog would get half which kept him going for the weekend, then the other half would see him through the rest of the week. He loved shopping day and would hanf over the gate waiting for us to get home with his treat.

  7. We had a german shepherd and every week we’d buy a beef shin bone from the butcher and have him cut it in half lengthways. The dog would get half which kept him going for the weekend, then the other half would see him through the rest of the week. He loved shopping day and would hang over the gate waiting for us to get home with his treat.

  8. I second everything Suse said. Not only are bones a natural doggy toothbrush but they are a great way to keep their tiny brains occupied while the humans are not there. And they love them.

    I think the jury is somewhat out on cooked bones but I believe in the precautionary principle. My rellies are always trying to foist them on Maggie and pooh-poohing any posible consequences. I guess when they pay the vet $2000 to fix a perforated intestine they’ll stop doing it.

  9. Late but here’s my 0.02c…

    My dog can eat raw chicken bones but not raw beefy bones, as the marrow makes her puke and puke. And puke some more! So I reckon it depends on your dog – but certainly I’d give the pup a chicken wing or carcass (which is basically the body minus all the bits humans eat) to try.

    If you do go the carcass route, however, don’t watch – it’s a bit traumatic.

  10. I’m up a 4am with a very sick dog who always had ham bones and did okay. This time it splintered (as noted in his vomit). Searching the internet and finding that ham in itself is harmful to dogs. Most say no bones at all because of intestinal blockage and the need for surgery so they won’t die. I am hoping my little friend will be okay. This may require a vet visit…or worse. NO BONES!

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