And listening to a lot of music

So, I was planning to be here:


doing some more of this:


it’s really not the weather for this:


I’m not there, because there’s other things that need to be done.

Sitting mostly. Knitting. Cooking soup and casserole. And that thing you do at the stop lights on the late drive home.

I had something like a dream last night. I’ve had it before and I’ve been waiting for it this last week or so. It’s not a dream exactly. But a sense and a feeling. And it’s been following me around. It’s to tell me that everything will be okay. It’ll be hard. But it will be okay.

0 thoughts on “And listening to a lot of music”

  1. TC,
    long time no see, sorry for being a stranger. Just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts. Will write more later.
    Love you,
    Sari + boys

  2. “That thing that you do at the stop lights on the late drive home”.

    Crying? Is everything ok. Sorry to read you’re going through a bad patch.

  3. It

    I do like it when I get that feeling.

    At the stop lights? Craning my neck to check that I have remembered to do up the capsules, and that their toes are still moving.

  4. I would leave you a casserole on the doorstep, but it sounds as though you are well catered for in the casserole department. Sorry for the hard times. xx

  5. I would leave you a casserole on the doorstep, but it sounds as though you are well catered for in the casserole department. Sorry for the hard times. xx

  6. I’m glad that at least there’s a sign that things are getting better – or will get better. From little things, big things grow. (Or some cliche containing more than a grain of truth like that.)

    Take care.

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