0 thoughts on “Aching muscles and bones”

  1. I’d have a bath but we still have a hardieboard floor in there and I have bought all the tiles and glue and grout and stuff, but I’m paralysed with fear that I’ll stuff the job up so I never get around to it. And I don’t want to make the hardieboard wet, because then when I do tile it, it’ll be afflicted with mould that never dies.

    Typical household paralysis.

  2. Strangely not. We just use the separate shower for that. In fact to be fair, we can still run a bath… one just has to be careful not to have one’s face too close to the bath if one doesn’t want to be totally wet before one is undressed.

  3. Helen, isn’t tiling like, really hard? Perhaps you could convince girl- and boy-child to help you out and then excuse the wonks because of the total family experience you had?

    And Cellobella, your bathroom sounds like the most interesting one of them all.

  4. I would have a bath except I have made a pact with myself not to until we move to a house wherein there is a bath of a decent size. Because if you can’t lie down in the bath then what is the point?

    Can you tell I’m grumpy about the bathing facilities at my house?

  5. Oh, that happens to me all the time! I look at the lavender bath stuff and think, “Hmm, wouldn’t a soak be nice?” And then I notice the scummy stuff on the bottom and think, “Hmm, perhaps not.”

  6. We redid our bathroom a couple of years ago, and our bath is big enough for me to well and truly lie down and float in, it’s kept clean because my son regularly has a bath (in fact he’s in there now), yet I rarely have a bath anymore because I feel guilty using so much water with all the restrictions.

    Oh and it’s a spa bath so to _properly_ use it, it needs to be fairly full (and have bubbles!).

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