Activist mothers unite

So, my eldest boy’s off to a birthday party at Hungry Jack’s.

‘I hardly ever get to do that,’ he said. I wish I could describe his demeanour to you. He has done one of those moves to a new maturity. Breaks your heart for a tiny moment, doesn’t it?

‘Really,’ I said. It was just a word to fill in the space.

‘Yeah. Remember? After soccer, we only got to go two times.’


‘You know, Mum, I just want to be with my friends. I mean, I don’t have to eat it.’

*fast forward fifteen years: geez, you were uptight mum, i mean it’s not as if once a year would’ve killed us*


Bet my boy wishes he could have Kerry Armstrong for his mother. Did you see her in this weekend’s Good Weekend? It’s worth looking for. Helpfully, she debunks a few Coca Cola myths – you can read about them here. Make up your own mind and all. But the best bit is her opening letter to us ill-informed persons who continue to quench our children’s thirst with water.

Kerry Armstrong on Motherhood & Myth-Busting.

As a mother I am often bombarded with conflicting messages about food and drinks – one day something is good for you and the next day it’s bad and that can be confusing

Yes, I know that’s good, but I can’t choose which of the following is my favourite sentence:

When I was asked to speak out in favour of one of the world’s largest brands, ‘Coca-Cola’, it became clear that it was surrounded y all kinds of myths and conjecture.

I mean that’s good. But is it better than:

Now that I’ve found out what’s myth and what’ isn’t. It’s good to know that our family can continue to enjoy one of our favourite drinks. My boys now call me Mum, the Myth Buster.

Still. Who am I to judge? My boys call me Tracy.

0 thoughts on “Activist mothers unite”

  1. Am I the only person who thinks Kerry Armstrong is a halfwit?

    I still remember her taking the floor for 15 (!) minutes during question time with Germaine Greer. By the end of her incoherent pfaffing and bumbling and then (inevitably) crying for no good reason that I could see, I had turned into a puddle of green slime on the floor.

    To this day, she drive me nuts. Seeing her on the telly makes me dive for the remote.

  2. I liked her in Lantana and I thought she was hilarious in Sea Change. I agree about her personal appearances as herself; I’ve never seen her do a good one. (She was very strange on night on The Panel a few years back.) But I would never in my wildest dreams have expected to see her touting Coke. I saw that ad and my first thought was ‘OMG the poor woman, she must be absolutely desperate for money.’ Quite apart from the toxicity of the product, the ad itself is an utter dog.

  3. I liked her in Lantana and I thought she was hilarious in Sea Change. I agree about her personal appearances as herself; I’ve never seen her do a good one. (She was very strange on night on The Panel a few years back.) But I would never in my wildest dreams have expected to see her touting Coke. I saw that ad and my first thought was ‘OMG the poor woman, she must be absolutely desperate for money.’ Quite apart from the toxicity of the product, the ad itself is an utter dog.

  4. Hm, I’m not sure I’ll read that little article because I hate Kerry Armstrong more than I hate Nicole Kidman and that is saying something. Shula, as usual, is right.

    I’m a mother like you, darl. If someone else invites them they can go, but we don’t like to take them ourselves.

    And I would like my boys to call me Caroline more than they already do. All those other people who teach them to say “Mummy”, sheesh!

  5. I met Kerry once when I was a teenager, I think she was a guest at a drama class I attended (in my mistaken belief that I too could be an actor and make it all the way to Neighbours like other better looking kids before me), and I didn’t much like her – she was so aloof. I think she wasn’t comfortable mixing with us lower classes from the Western Suburbs. But now I know she has something in common with the common folk after all. Coke brings everyone together, right?

  6. I one sat next to her in Pellegrinis and had coffee. I was too polite to stare at her directly but luckily Pellegrinis has mirrors so I was able to discreetly stare at her full on for 10 minutes whilst looking away. She is attractive. Unfortunately the experience had little or no effect on my life or thinking.

  7. Do they always call you Tracy?
    I’ve usually liked KA as an actor but am disappointed to read that she’s advertising Coke. I don’t think my son has ever had it but he’s not missing anything and doesn’t feel deprived and best of all doesn’t see me as preventing him from fulfilling himself via junk food.

  8. That ad annoyed me more than I can say. I had to show it to my beloved, and he laughed. He remembers her as an odd hippy living in a commune with some guy (sorry my mind isn’t my own right now), and didn’t understand why she should be advertising that product either.

    On the topic of junk food, I keep asking myself (and D’Arcy) why you’d want to eat something that isn’t good for you and doesn’t even taste good?

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