0 thoughts on “Great intellectual challenges in my life”

  1. Darks. Always the darks.

    Anything with red in it is trouble. They can bide their time, but they will eventually attack and your coloureds will suffer…

    Wow. I am surprised by the fact that I felt compelled to click through in order to comment on this issue. Is there something wrong with me that I am currently ignoring politics and gender questions, but particularly keen to comment on housekeeping issues?

  2. I am a slattern. Have only started washing whites separately (since nappy days, that is, and what nappy days they were) since Boychild started doing Taekwondo in that adorable white uniform they wear.
    Apart from that, yes, reds with darks if you’re not a slob like me, and Cristy, welcome back to Oz and yes it’s a nesting symptom. The good news is, you’ll get unlimited opportunities to exercise any laundry urges in the near future :-/

  3. We have darks and coloureds, because there is enough non-whites for two loads, so they may as well be separated that way as any other.

    I used to do taekwondo. A little hint: you can easily dye a white belt to yellow, but yellow to green doesn’t work. Everyone else will notice that it isn’t quite right.

    Cristy, not long now and you’ll be dusting down your window sills. You can scoff and say ‘no I won’t’. But you will. You will.

  4. washing is a genderpolitical issue, especially when it comes to maroon under-things, which are generally man’s pants in my experience.

    What Suse said. Lights and darks is as advanced as it gets around here. Both kinds generally come out of the machine with more cat hair on than when they went in.

  5. Thank you. Yes, I do recognise the ‘nesting instinct’ but am currently battling reality (AKA I am in denial about the power of hormones).

    Unfortunately I am not yet back in OZ yet Helen. I fly out on Tuesday and cannot wait. I am quite looking forward to dusting my window sills to be honest. I have previously stooped to scrubbing clean the detergent draw of my washing machine in order to procrastinate, so nothing is really going to shock me too much…

  6. Ahem. I have a browns/reds/maroons/purples pile, a blues pile, a greens pile, a blacks pile and a fluffies pile.

    It’s because I don’t wash very often.


  7. “I have previously stooped to scrubbing clean the detergent draw of my washing machine in order to procrastinate, so nothing is really going to shock me too much…”

    Thank the lord I’m not the only one!

    Also, maroon = dark.

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