The End

I am closing this blog. I will still be blogging, but not right now and not right here. I did write a long-winded post about how blogging has changed and I have changed and the ins and outs of why I’ve decided to close this blog. But in the end, I think it’s enough to say that this blog has reached the end of its life. For Reasons.

38 thoughts on “The End”

  1. I’m sure you will pop up elsewhere, maybe at Adelaide from Abu Dhabi.

    I was sad to say goodbye to my blog, but felt it had run it’s course. Now that I have finished my script and my book, I’m tempted to revisit blogging in some form but I’m not sure what–whether it will be through Facebook or a proper blog.

    Let us know what you decide to do, and keep those status updates coming!

  2. Yes, well, I just went out to the kitchen and said to the mister, ‘I’ve closed my blog’ then, when he looked at me in complete surprise, I burst into tears. But that’s the exact thing, elsewhere, it has run its course.

  3. Best of luck: whatever you decide to do will be followed. I have enjoyed this blog immensely, but I agree, we do things differently now. But as Eleanor says, you can always start again if the feeling grabs you.

  4. I will miss your blog very much. It’s a thing to look forward to that won’t be there.

    But it’s better that you do something that is right and important for you instead of something that is finished with and done, and I’ll look forward to reading the results of that work instead, very much.

  5. Have been privileged to read your posts and to share your stories of Abu Dhabi life. Your writing and your insights have been very important to me. Thank you!! Will keep you on the Reader too, as you just never know, do you.

  6. Encore!!!
    You must post once more for the loyal fans!
    We shall wait!
    AND WAIT!!!
    Readers baited and loaded
    glancing hoping waiting until computers are unnecessary and all minds are one.

  7. You need to do what’s right for you, but I will miss this blog. It was such an enjoyable read (not to mention literate and enlightening). I’ll be wondering what you’re up to. Please do let us know when and where your next cyber presence might/will be! Happy trails, best of wishes, fabulous publishing deal… Be well.

  8. Gosh, darn. Who else is ever going to blog about Booborowie?! Missed, you will be. From a Mid North Girl

  9. forget all of that understanding crap above, i don’t understand and will never. (!!!)

    because blogging has changed? what’s what other people do have to do with your own blog? so many other writery blogs are full of flagrant self-promotion, publishing platforms established for secondary gain. (no offence to writers who use their blogs for secondary gain – i’m using you to give momentum to what appears to be an emotional tantrum.)

    yours was pure. is pure. a literary person who lives their life and happens to write about it. and write about it beautifully. i love it. i want it back.


  10. Oh poo. But I know the feeling. I just wrote a post for the first time in many many months. I will also miss you, and hope to bump into you online occasionally.

  11. Yet another person who will miss you terribly. I hardly ever commented, but I read every word assiduously. I’ll keep you in google reader, just in case…

  12. I will miss you, like so many other people.
    If you do decide to take it up again, please let us know.
    In the interim, I hope your life goes in wonderful new directions.

    Thank you, for being you.

  13. After a whirlwind couple of weeks, I finally sit down to catch up on my blog reading and find this! Spoot!

    I’m right there with you that blogging has changed and rather wish you had posted your long-winded post.

    I will miss you and wish you very well.

    (and keep you in the reader in the event that you have a change of heart).

  14. Life is a series of bookmarks to unupdated blogs on computers which only work occasionally and won’t power on during a brown out. Good luck.

  15. I too will miss your writing terribly – I always read every word and it warmed my heart. But be assured that warmth will remain, whether or not you decide to blog again in the future. Thank you for all… and all the very best for the next phase.

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